Kate's Bellybutton Lint Collection

I used to think blogs were self-indulgent navel gazing, but now I'm not so sure. From a practical standpoint, they're great for keeping up with friends, especially when you're awful about keeping in touch (like me). I know most people could probably care less what I think or do in a given week. For everyone else, this blog's for you! Enjoy my collection of hand-picked navel lint!

February 25, 2007

Vintage Food!

Ever seen an old cookbook in a used bookstore and riffled though it? Did the frequent references to sweetbreads and gelatinous concoctions make your stomach turn? Or was it the wildly off-color photographs of slick, gleaming food? Here are two wonderful websites with collections of recipes circa 1950 - 1970 that will make you laugh and at the same time lose your appetite. Yes, people used to eat this stuff.

First site: 1974 Weight Watchers Recipe Cards

The commentary on these is great. Here is the entry for "Fluffy Mackerel Pudding":

"Once upon a time the world was young and the words "mackerel" and "pudding" existed far, far away from one another.
One day, that all changed. And then, whoever was responsible somehow thought the word fluffy would help. Oh, and eggs, too." (See the photo)

Second site: Gallery of Regrettable Food

A very comprehensive site containing Knox gelatin recipes, "Meat!Meat!Meat!", and "More Fun with Coffee". Some favorites of mine include the Country Pie with crust of meat and what appears to be Jellied Vomit. Didn't that just make your day??

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