Kate's Bellybutton Lint Collection

I used to think blogs were self-indulgent navel gazing, but now I'm not so sure. From a practical standpoint, they're great for keeping up with friends, especially when you're awful about keeping in touch (like me). I know most people could probably care less what I think or do in a given week. For everyone else, this blog's for you! Enjoy my collection of hand-picked navel lint!

August 20, 2006

An Inconvenient Truth

We saw Al Gore's new movie today. I'm trying to recommend it to everyone I know. I believe global warming exists and didn't neet a movie to tell me that, but Gore uses some scary visuals to convey just how much trouble we're in. Drastic changes need to be made in the next decade or we're cooked. There is a website tied to the movie as well, full of ideas for cutting oil use and CO2 emissions:


In addition to some of the obvious things like buying hybrid cars and using efficient electrical appliances, they recommend eating less meat. I forgot that cows produce methane, a greenhouse gas. Yet another good reason to cut down your beef consumption.

We probably produce less CO2 than the average American, because we both BART or ride bikes to work. Some improvements we're thinking of include a blanket around our water heater, switching to LED lamps (not sure where to get those), and placing a brick inside the toilet to conserve water. Scott's also saving up for a Toyota Prius, which gets great mpg.


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