Kate's Bellybutton Lint Collection

I used to think blogs were self-indulgent navel gazing, but now I'm not so sure. From a practical standpoint, they're great for keeping up with friends, especially when you're awful about keeping in touch (like me). I know most people could probably care less what I think or do in a given week. For everyone else, this blog's for you! Enjoy my collection of hand-picked navel lint!

July 28, 2005

Brassiere Soup

It's funny, there are things I end up doing these days that were unimaginable two years ago. Like tonight, for example, I was simmering a bra in a big pot on my stove. That's right, a bra. The tongs I normally reserve for turning roasting peppers or flipping slabs of cooking meat--I was poking this bra with them, making sure it stayed submerged in the sea green liquid of the pot. Mmmm... brassiere boullabaise, anyone? With Burning Man just around the corner, all kinds of strange activities begin occuring in our household. I was actually dyeing a cheap white bra green to match a pair of harem pants. It's for a costume, of course, because the girls of the Winking Lotus camp are dressing as "dakinis" this year. A dakini, from what I understand, is a manifestation of the female spirit in Buddhism. There's no consensus on how a dakini looks, however--if you google the term you'll find topless figures wearing lots of jewlery, usually with a swath of fabric meandering around them. We're going to settle for something flowing and exotic looking, I guess. Amazing how hard it is to find a bright green bra these days, so I had to dye my own. It'll get decorated with sparkly jangly things as soon as it dries!

July 16, 2005

Fire Arts Festival at the Crucible

Scott and I joined the Winking Lotus crew for Oakland's fifth annual fire arts festival last night! It was very much like a miniature Burning Man without dust! The pictures you see are not ours, by the way, they were scavenged from the internet. We saw some of the same sculptures that were on the playa last year, but some cool new surprises cropped up. The funniest addition was a game called "Dance Dance Immolation", based on the "Dance Dance Revolution" game where you follow directions on a screen and tap your feet on a sensitive floor grid. You win the game by dancing the correct series of moves. Well, in *this* version of the game you wear a an oxygen mask and fireproof suit, and mistakes are rewarded with a blast from a flamethrower!

Another nifty item was a water fountain that had white gas pumped up through it and ignited. The flames floated on top of the water and were eerily reflected in it. As long as you rolled up your sleeves you could dip you hand in and perhaps scoop up a bit of the bluish flickering "firewater". We tried it and got a flash of heat, but nothing close to burning hot.

Other attractions included Dr. Megavolt, a man in an insulated suit who plays with a giant (we're talking 15 foot high) Tesla coil! Thick jagged fingers of electricity arced down onto the guy's head from the coil, and when he jumped you could see two columns of light between his feet and the ground. When he sat on a stool by the coil, there was enough energy traveling through his suit towards the ground that it set the stool aflame! Freaking craaazy! Then there was the tornado of fire--two people in fireproof suits aimed jets of fuel into the midst of a vortex. The vortex was created by several strategically aimed fans around the perimeter. The column of swirling fire they created looked about 30 feet high, and when the wind blew seemed to almost touch the BART tracks above. When a train passed most of the fire exhibits came on full blast, to either the delight or horror of people plastered to the train windows!

July 12, 2005

Meet the family!

Some of you know about our pets, but few of you have had the chance to meet them! We currently have a tuxedo cat (Ikto), ball python (Nunki), corn snake (Dizzy), and ten tiny praying mantids. Ikto, named after the native american spider/trickster deity Iktome, is Scott's cat of 14 years. His favorite thing in turkey, turkey, turkey. He requests it in a very subtle fashion, by meowing plaintively and planting himself in front of the fridge (his "TV", we call it). Nunki is a ball python, which is a stout-looking African snake with a slender neck. They only get 5 feet in length max. Ball pythons are some of the most personable snakes out there, and Nunki certainly is a sweetie. She likes having her squishy head lobes scratched and will actively seek out your fingers for this. Dizzy is an amelanistic "sunglow" cornsnake, my second corn since the great Miles, a bloodred, had a fatal encounter with a heating unit. Diz is extremely active, and if you hold him will quickly find a collar or sleeve to slither into! He is around 2 years old and will reach about 5 feet in length.