Kate's Bellybutton Lint Collection

I used to think blogs were self-indulgent navel gazing, but now I'm not so sure. From a practical standpoint, they're great for keeping up with friends, especially when you're awful about keeping in touch (like me). I know most people could probably care less what I think or do in a given week. For everyone else, this blog's for you! Enjoy my collection of hand-picked navel lint!

October 26, 2010

Dear Papa

I am not the least bit superstitious, but events this year have tried to chip away at my resolve. Back in February, a couple of Chinese coworkers warned me that the year of one's astrological sign (when one turns 12, 24, 36, etc) is usually life changing. It can be for better or for worse, but either way something big happens. Since my age is a multiple of 12 this year, I was advised to "wear a red belt every day", as everyone knows this is the best way to fend off danger.

The year started off well, and became even better when a wonderful man came back into my life. However, shadows began to fall when my aunt lost her husband in a military helicopter accident. He worked as a paramedic, and was on a routine training exercise when something unknown went very wrong. Our Aunt Grace, a published writer and poet, also bowed out midyear. Then in August, we received news that my father had died of a heart attack. He was only 59 years old. It has been a rocky year for the Sengers. We can't help but all feel jipped.

I don't want to write much about Papa in this blog format. Suffice it to say we had a small funeral for him in Dearborn, MI, which was well attended. He is from a big family, which I find very comforting, because bits of his personality shine out from every member of the family. I only want to leave this information out here in the internet-o-sphere for others to find. If you are an old friend or colleague of Michael Anthony Senger, looking to find out what happened to him, feel free to contact us through the comments section of this page.

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At 5:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hopefully you'll get the audience this blog deserves Kate, at least in form of written feedback. Papa was the greatest Papa there was. Looking forward to seeing you Thanksgiving! Lets throw some brazil nuts into the stuffing as an homage to him.


At 5:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thank you. We had no idea what had happened to Michael. I feel very sad and shocked atteh news. He was so young and so full of life. We enjoyed his wit and ever present humor, his vast knowledge and his ability to talk to anyone about anything. I can just hear him saying, 'Now you know..'

Ann Cowap


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